Fruta Planta Reviews


If you haven’t heard by now, there is a new all-natural chinese diet pill taking the world by storm. It’s called Fruta Planta and it’s manufactured in China by a company called Guangzhou Health Care.

Based on the first few Fruta Planta reviews we’ve seen, Fruta Planta seems to be extremely effective in burning fat and slimming problem areas like the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

One of the reviewers commented, “I’ve never been able to slim down on my own. I was always hungry. I don’t feel as hungry anymore and have totally stopped snacking”. The makers of Fruta Planta stress in their marketing literature and ads that Fruta Planta is a highly effective appetite suppressant.

Another Fruta Planta Review, a female user, states, “My husband commented on my backside the other night and it wasn’t a bad comment like normally. He asked me if I was secretly sneaking out at night while he was sleeping and hitting the gym. Thanks Fruta Planta”.

And finally, a male user writes, “Helped me tone up for my annual family vacation. I took one cap a day with my morning juice”.

We’re still waiting for more Fruta Planta reviews to come in before we offer our own review but so far it seeme like thr folks at Guangzhou Health Care have hit a home run. What we like most about Fruta Planta is the natural ingredients. A lot of products nowadays state that they are all natural but Fruta Planta really means it. Their core fat burning ingredients are 100% all natural and suprisingly familiar: Lemon, Bitter Melon, Papaya, Mangosteen, Spirulina, Radish Fruit, and Fruit Gum. The only ingredient we didn’t find that familiar was the fruit gum. We’ll make sure to have more about that last one when we post our next batch of Fruta Planta reviews.

Read more about Fruta Planta Chinese Diet Pills.

7 Responses to Fruta Planta Reviews

  1. christina says:

    I Love this product….never before in life have I lost weight on a diet before so fast. I have lost 18lbs already since sept 3 to sept 25…WOW…fruta planta really works, i just take 1 pill with warm water every morning before breakfast…Yes I do work out 30 mins a day along with the pill thats all..I have been buying these pills from Arnold Supplements and they are real no fakes..

  2. Alina says:

    I was introduces to fruta planta by a friend and this REALLY WORKS!!!!! I loos 18 pounds in 3 months hepled with good nutrition.
    My cravings went to zero and I have my sister taking them and she already lost 12 pounds in 2 months.
    I am the type of preson who has to try to be able to recomend,a dnyes ladies and gents… again IT WORKS!!!!!!!

  3. Wendy says:

    I bought Fruta Planta in October 7 2010 and lost 15 lbs by Christmas and stopped taking them because I can want to test it I just continue my healthy habits and will take them ONLY if it is necessary On January 1 2011 Food and Drug Administration these are dangereous drugs. I am 53 5’8 and always eat healthy and exercise but last year I gain weight due to eating out and lost my job and started gaining 25 lbs. from 145 to 170 lbs. I dont think anyone who is overly obese and taking heart medication or any medication should not take any diet pills. FDA should not penalize people who are losing weight with FRUTA PLANTA. THIS IS NOT FOR UNHEALTHY OBESE PEOPLE WHO WERE EATING UNHEALTHY FATTY food all their lives and who never exercise regulary. Do not expect miracles from this pills. Before any diet one SHOULD consult their DOCTORS.
    The only side effects on this is sleepless night if you take them before 10 am. and dryness of the mouth that make you drink a lot of water.

    • Alina says:

      I agree with Wendy, but again any time you start taking something you should check for side effects and make sure It won’t affect you. They haven’t say if this lady had previous heart conditions.
      Is a shame that FDA knows this product is taking the world by storm and wants a piece of it.

      • Wendy says:

        Hi Alina,
        Thanks for responding. I have nothing against FDA but I really think that they confiscated the Fruta Planta from Florida or CA manufacturers for greed reason by these criminals. I lost that inital 15 lbs and dont need diet pills anymore. Diet never ever work I just eliminated meat and eat fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh fish every now and then. 3-4 days at the gymn helped tone and developed stamina. I learned how to meditate which keeps me focused and at peace.
        Have a healthiest, wealthiest and happiest 2011! God Bless

  4. Dee says:

    I was taking this for 2 wks, after my aunt suggested I take it since her friend lost alot of weight, then I started losing sleep night after night, I started getting insomnia, I take the pill first thing in the morning. It’s all natural so I do not understand why it made me go nights without proper sleep and not the mention the very dry mouth, so I stopped for now to see what will happen. Has anyone else had this reaction. I want to continue with the pills, but I can’t afford to keep losing sleep, any suggestions? Good luck to everyone

    • tam says:

      hi dee i was getting that i couldnt sleep but i found taking it at 6 or 7 when i was getting up for work helped me sleep

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